Associate Professor of Political Science
PhD in Political Studies
Luciano Mario Fasano
Governance, Digital Transition and Public ServiceLuciano Mario Fasano is an Associate Professor of Political Science at the Department of Social and Political Sciences, University of Milan. He teaches Political Science, Political Institutions and Decision-Making Processes, Theories and Research Methods for Public Administration. He is a member of the Teaching Board of the PhD programme in Political Studies. He was one of the founders of Candidate and Leader Selection, Standing group of the Italian Society of Political Science on primary elections and selection mechanisms of party leaders and candidates for monocratic public offices in Italy. He is a member of the Scientific Committee of OpenLab, Research Laboratory on Political Innovation of the Giangiacomo Feltrinelli Foundation, where he works on political representation and theory of democracy. He sits in the Scientific Committee of the National Union of Administrative Practitioners. He is a member of the Editorial board of Notizie di Politeia. Rivista di Etica e Scelte pubbliche. He is President of the Scientific Committee of the political and cultural association Libertà eguale Milano Lombardia and member of the National Scientific Committee of Libertà eguale. Contributor to the journal Il Mulino.
He deals with political parties, with particular reference to the study of their organisational forms and ruling groups. He is interested in the methodological, theoretical and empirical aspects of the analysis of decision-making, especially in approaches relating to decision theory, both from a normative point of view, with reference to rational choice theory, and from an empirical and experimental point of view, with reference to behavioural and cognitive sciences. He deals with public ethics and public administration. The study of decision-making has led him to deal with public administration, mainly with regard to the digitization of the public sector and administrative simplification, with a focus on the Italian context in a comparative European perspective. Within EPRA Hub, he is Project Leader for the research line on Digitisation of Public Sector.
Pubblicazioni recenti:
- con P. Natale e J. Newell (2023), The Italian Democratic Party and the European Left, Palgrave, forthcoming.
- con N. Pasini e G. Cerutti, Can the Left Respond to New Cleavages in Italy, “Journal of Modern Italian Studies”, n. 5/2023.
- Liberi ma eguali. Riferimenti culturali per la costruzione di una sinistra democratica nell’attuale passaggio d’epoca, “Notizie di Politeia”, Anno XXXIX, n. 151/2023.
- con N. Addario (2019), Il sistema politico italiano. Origini, evoluzione e struttura, Laterza.